Home  solutions  dryingSystems


innovative | individual | quick-drying | low noise | gentle

The perfect complement to our ski depot systems are our boot dryers. Especially the equipment in winter sports resorts is inconceivable without a drying system - it goes without saying that it is part of the comfort! The drying systems are modular expandable and couplable. Plan intelligently with Steurer Systems!


All boot dryers have the new xcontrol unit with color display and industrial-grade membrane keypad. This provides the operator with a simple, intuitive and multilingual user interface for thime and enery management of the system. Optionally, the xcontrol also offers the possibilitiy of activating a definable drying cycle via an external input (EIB/house control ect.)

Our boot dryers are available in different sizes from 5 pairs | 10 pairs | 15 pairs | 20 pairs


Shoe dryer of the highest design with innovative technology all produces in Vorarlberg / Austria


More information about the individual product lines:


   #bootDryer speedDry

   #universalDryer speedDry

   #dryingCabinets speedDry

   #reference overview | photobook


Steurer Systems complements ski depots with perfectly coordinated drying systems